Love you forever

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Show Me What You See

During the school year, I meet with a wonderful, faithfilled group of ladies for a bible study and faith sharing group.  I've formed friendships that will definitely last a lifetime.  Over the course of the summer, we've met twice to discuss a book.  One friend was saying how when she's having a rough day with her kids, husband, or friends, she asks God "Show me what you see".  It really made me think, because you know how the saying goes, we hurt the ones we love the most.  So, I pray each morning for God to "show me what he sees" in my children and my husband, and here are my answers.

This is Matt, my almost 12 year old son.  I was shown great love for this child.  A child unsure of who he really is, struggling to fit in amongst his peers.  A child growing into a young man.  A young man aware of how his body is changing.  This is a child with a HUGE heart and love for his family, but has a hard time showing it.  This is a child who yearns to do the right thing, but do to peer pressure ends up making stupid decisions.  As a consequence to those stupid decisions, he does do the right thing.  He wants to please his parents and please God.  He has great faith.

This is Angelina, Nina for short.  She is my 11 year old daughter.  God showed me a child also struggling with fitting in with her peers.  Always wanting to please those around her, she holds everything in until she explodes.  She is afraid of entering a new phase in life, growing into a young lady and entering middle school, meeting new kids.  She struggles to make friends.  So many around her make poor decisions, so she has decided to distance herself from others.  She excels in school, putting so much pressure on herself to be perfect (the need to please!).  She needs her time with her mama, to grow in patience, love and confidence.  She has great faith also!

This is Anna, my 10yr old daughter.  God showed me a child struggling to find her place in this world, struggling to find her identity in a mind swirling out of control.  She is eager to please, yet eager to be independent.  She has faith but is not sure how to use what she learns.  She cares deeply for others, caring about others well being.  She is a helpful child, a loving child, a hurting child.  She is having some issues we need to get help with, but insurance issues are preventing us from doing so right now, so my hands are tied.  She is God's child just as much as she is mine.

This is Allie, my 9yr old daughter.  She is full of life, peace and laughter.  While she is not so eager to help mom out, she is eager to please and is very helpful of others.  She is struggling with an uncertain future, unsure of her health.  She is on a strict medicine regime to keep her kidneys functioning.  She is a trooper, a fighter.  She loves others as well as life.  She is very giving, loving, caring and joyful.  She has a peace about her that I struggle to find at times. 

This is Alaina, my soon to be 8yr old.  God showed me a child who is going through many changes.  She suffered a few losses in her short life of those she loved.  She is a strong willed, happy girl.  She loves to play, loves her family, loves life and friends.  She has great faith in Jesus, and is eager to learn everything she can.  She is very helpful and wants to please those around her.  She has high expectations of herself and is easily frustrating in certain situations.  She is a child that needs a lot of hugs and I Love You's.  I'm happy to give them to her.

This is Krista, my almost 5 yr old spitfire.  She is very close to her mama.  She is very cautious out in public and around new people.  It takes a little while to gain her trust.  She likes to try new things, yet is very cautious when doing so.  She likes to feel safe.  She is trying to find her niche amongst her siblings.  She also tries to please everyone.  She likes it to be peaceful and quiet, and not so chaotic in the house.  She loves her mama, daddy and Jesus.  She loves to go to church and sing songs of praise to God, while looking in my eyes.  It's a great moment between us.

Here is little Mark, my 1yr old boy.  God didn't have to show me much here.  All he knows is there are so many that love and care for him.  He loves to smile and dance and just LOVES being sung to.  He is truly God's gift.

Last but not least, my husband of 12.5yrs Bob.  God revealed alot about him, things I fail to think about.  Here is a man who supports and takes care of his family.  We are his top priority.  He struggles with an uncertain future, worries about the economy and the state of our country.  He worries about continuing to provide.  God showed me a man who, when he had no work, felt like a failure in some ways.  This is a man who needs to know he is loved, wanted, needed and appreciated.  He is a man who is full of faith and love for God that is beyond measure, and that he's passing onto his children, along with me.  He is a man who does things differently than everyone else, but in the end, his biggest success is his family.

So here you can see, I have a wonderful family with so many different struggles, attributes, character traits, etc.  I am truly blessed and wonder often what I did to deserve such a great family.  The answer to that is simple, it was God's gift, free of charge, just as His grace is a free gift to us.  I thank Him each and every day for all that I have in my family. 

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