Love you forever

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Fun in the Sand

After dinner, as we usually do, we loaded up into the truck and headed out to the beach.  It's the perfect time to go...and it's either Bob or I taking the bigger kids while the other stays home with the baby.  I took the kids last night, but it was a southeast wind and they couldn't go in the water...and I didn't even think at the time to bring a kite.  Eh, hindsight is 20/20.

So, we had dinner, cleaned up and headed to the beach.   The 3 bigger kids just got in the water, Krista was hanging out by the stuff on the beach (terrified to even put her feet in), and Allie and Alaina were playing by the waters edge.  We got a phone call...David, my brother in law, was being rushed to the hospital...he was having a heart attack.  I hung up the phone, called the kids over, told them what's going on and there we stood, in a circle, saying our own little prayers for Uncle David.  When we got home we found out he's ok, and they got him to the hospital just in time.

Anyway, we're at the beach, and Krista decides to come to the waters edge..slowly and cautiously.  She grabs a hold of my hand.  She feels safe and secure near me, holding on for dear life as the water creeps up towards our feet.  Her uncertainty fades as quick as the water recedes...she wants more!  It makes me so happy that she forgetting her fear.  She sees the bigger three just pouncing and jumping and diving, frolicking in the waves.  She sees Allie and Alaina exploring the water's edge, getting braver and going out a litter further, yet still looking back to make sure their safety net, me, is still there.

It's a peaceful, carefree time for all of us...they are all getting along, I have some time with my thoughts.  There is no yelling, no hitting, a time I can enjoy my children together, and individually at the same time.  A time I can really cherish and appreciate all that they have to offer the world, and each other.  There is no responsibility, no cares, nothing but fun!!  If only every minute could be like this.

1 comment:

  1. love you all...wish we were there with you....
