Love you forever

Monday, July 11, 2011


Welcome to my new blog.  I hope you find this to be a place of peace, comfort and love.  A place where you know you are not alone in your struggles...a place of affirmation.  A little about me...My name is Barb, I'm a sahm (stay at home mom) to 7 great kids.  Matt will be 12 in August...he loves having "lemonade stands", hanging with his friends and playing games on the computer.  Angelina is 11.  She plays Clarinet in the school band.  She goes into middle school in September and is taking part in summer band, where she teaches a new musician how to play.  Anna is 10.  She loves to swim, I just can't keep her out of the water.  Allie is 9.  She has a non-curable, rare, chronic kidney disease.  She is finally in remission!!  Praise God.  Alaina is going to be 8 in October.  She is a bundle of energy that loves to ride her bike.  She also loves to swim.  Krista, soon to be 5, is my little firecracker.  She is helpful, full of love, life and compliments.  Several times a day she comes up to me and says "Mommy, I love you, you're so beautiful!". Last, but certainly not least, is my baby Mark, who will be 1 in August.  He is crawling all over the place (no more belly scootching!!).  He babbles, shakes his head yes, gives high fives and just loves to laugh.  He is so happy!!

We are a devout Catholic family, striving to live as Jesus did.  I lean on my Mother Mary for guidance and intercession in my role as wife and mother.  My faith is what keeps me going, what gives me strength, hope and most of all love.  "I can do all things in Christ, who strengthens me."

Along with taking care of my family, I also love to sew, knit and read.  I look forward to bedtime, when the house is quiet, and everyone is snuggly tucked into their beds.  I need this time to rejuvenate, to go over the day, to examine my conscience. 

And then it starts all over again.....


  1. very nice barb...

  2. amazing woman...that's what you are! I really love staying connected with you even though many miles keep us apart!

  3. I am so very blessed to be able to call you my daughter! This is a beautiful blog, I am so very proud of you, and by the way I stole all your but you know your mother, I want all my grandbabies pictures ;)
