I just finished reading this amazing book. Written by a protestant, Lutheran to be exact, this book goes in depth about the apparitions of the Blessed Mother in Medjugorje. He has interviews with the visionaries, describes the small village. I felt as though I was there, with him, each time he went. He speaks of his conversion. He was a lukewarm christian, as per his own description. I guess we christians all feel that way at times. I know I'm certainly not perfect. I pray, all the time, throughout the day, in good times and bad...yet sometimes I feel like I need more.
I call upon Mary, my mother in Heaven. To guide me in my motherhood and in my wifely vocation. I call upon her to be my model each and every day. I pray that she shows me obedience to the Lord, obedience to my faith.
I'm fascinated by the events in Medjugorje. I watched the Primetime special on the village and the miraculous little village last week. I felt a tugging in my heart...finally finding what has seemed to be missing. It was my Mother, speaking to me, leading me to her son! Gosh, I have so many thoughts I don't know where to begin.
I've read so many negative comments about the appearance of the Blessed Mother: the visionaries are acting, it's Satan, the bible doesn't talk about things like this...yet her message is crystal clear. PRAY. Pray for peace, for the world, for each other, within the world, within our families, within our own hearts. Pray for conversion. Catholics, protestant, whatever type of denomination you consider yourself, it just doesn't matter. She is drawing us closer to Jesus!!
I know so many who do not give Mary a 2nd thought, all because she is not mentioned very much in the Bible. To me, she is very special. She is the mother of my Lord, my God. I know within my own home, with my own children, I am their world. They love me very much (and I them of course), but my heart would break if others thought I wasn't important enough because maybe there weren't photos of my in our photo albums, or words about me in a journal. Mothers are very important in their children's lives...mothers are important to the world! Mary is no exception. She is my advocate in Heaven, bringing my prayers to her Beloved Son. She is on my side.
I now pray my Rosary every day, or as much of it as I can. Most of the time, I can get through a decade or a half of a decade before being interrupted, but, hey, my vocation is motherhood, so I need to take it. I steal quite moments throughout my day in silent prayer, when doing dishes, folding laundry or making beds. No-one knows I'm praying, but I am. Since I picked up my rosary again (it's been a while), I feel an inner peace, a love so strong, unending and unconditional. A love I pass onto my children. I've been praying for patience, but that gift was shown to me within the past few days. Ask anyone in my house, I really haven't yelled.
As for the miracles happening in Medjugorje. I hope to visit their one day, maybe when the kids are older and we can go together, or maybe alone. God will let me know when it's my time. Until then, little miracles are happening here in my house and here in my heart. It's hard to explain, but I'm sure my family notices...and if not, my Father in Heaven notices. That's good enough for me :)
May God be with you and keep you!
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